Hey there! 👋
I’m Emil, and I’m a Product Owner.
Identify problems, define them, prioritize what matters, and executing solutions that make an impact.
Case Studies

Solving Real Life Problems / Passion Projects

A Physical Apple Pay Card dynamically linked to the primary card in your Apple Pay wallet. This physical card serves as a seamless extension of the Apple Pay system, ensuring accessibility even when the digital device is unavailable.

BYUM is a mobile and web platform designed to streamline the booking process for cricket umpires. It addresses the challenge faced by cricket organizers in finding qualified and available umpires, while simultaneously providing umpires with increased visibility and booking.

Expsense is a micro-investment fintech platform designed to simplify investing for beginner investors. By rounding up everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and investing the difference into diversified portfolios, the platform helps users start investing with minimal capital and effort.
Product Design – I design in my leisure time

Web Development – New learning curves